How Do I Submit A URL To Google?

There is no denying it: Google is the search engine that truly dominates the internet, and has a sterling reputation as the most popular and best-known search engine on the planet.

This means that business owners need to ensure that they are tapping into all the potential that Google has to offer and using the tips, tricks, and tools to reach the maximum number of customers.

How Do I Submit A Url To Google?

Using Google to drive traffic to your site can be easier said than done, however – and this is why we have put together the ultimate guide to show you how to submit URLs to Google, what exactly this means, and how it can benefit your business – read on for all you need to know!

What Does It Mean To Submit A URL To Google?

Before we get started with our guide to submitting URLs to Google, let’s take a quick look at what exactly submitting a URL means.

In simple terms, when you submit a URL to Google, this essentially tells them that you want to include that particular page in their index.

The more times a website appears in Google, the higher up the page will appear in the results.

So if you are looking to promote a new product or service, then one way to do so is by creating content about it, such as an article or blog post.

Then, once you’ve written something that people might find interesting, you could submit it to Google, which will help it rank higher in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

So, now that you understand what submitting a URL means, you may be wondering how to actually go about doing it.

Well, there are two ways that you can submit a URL to Google: manually and via the free submission tool. Let’s take a closer look at each option below.

Manually Submitting Your Site To Google

This method involves simply typing the URL into the box provided, and hitting the submit button.

You don’t even need to fill out any other details, but you should enter the URL correctly, otherwise, it won’t work.

The good news is that this process is very easy to do, and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.

However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind before you start using this method.

First off, make sure that you only use legitimate websites. If you’re not 100% confident that the website you want to submit to Google belongs to someone else, then it probably isn’t worth it.

Another thing to bear in mind is that you cannot submit multiple URLs to Google at once.

So, if you want to submit several different URLs to Google, you’ll need to wait until after you’ve submitted the first one before you can add another.

The final thing to consider is that you must avoid including too many keywords within the URL itself.

While it’s great to use long-tail keywords in your content, you shouldn’t try to cram too much text into the URL itself.

Instead, focus on writing quality content that includes these keywords naturally.

You can also use this manual method to submit your own website to Google, which is perfect if you’re looking to increase its visibility on the web.

Just remember to create unique content, and make sure that you include enough relevant keywords throughout the page.

Submitting Via The Free Submission Tool

If you would rather not go to the trouble of typing in the URL yourself, then you can instead use the free submission tool from Google.

This is a great way to quickly and easily submit your site to Google, without having to worry about getting it wrong.

To begin with, head over to Google Search Console, which you can access through the dashboard of your Google Ads account.

Once there, click on the ‘Search Traffic’ tab, and then select the ‘Submit URL(s)’ button.

Now, all you have to do is enter the URL that you’d like to submit to Google, along with the title for the page, and whether you’d like to show up in search results.

After you’ve entered all of the required information, hit ‘submit’, and sit back and relax while Google does the rest!

Why Is It So Important To Have A Page Indexed?

Having a page indexed by Google is important because it helps people find your website when they type certain keywords into the search bar.

In fact, it’s estimated that up to 80% of searches performed online are based around specific keywords.

Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that your website has been indexed so that potential customers can find it when they’re searching for something related to your business.

It’s also important to note that Google will index pages that are linked to from other sites as well.

As such, submitting your website to Google means that it will be included in the search results for any queries that contain those same keywords.

Google Webmaster Tools

Google provides an excellent service called Google Webmaster Tools, which allows you to see exactly what’s happening with your website.

You can check how often your website gets crawled, how frequently users visit your site and even view reports showing how many visitors come from various countries and regions.

How Do I Submit A Url To Google?

This is especially useful if you’re trying to decide where to place your website geographically.

For example, if you’re planning on targeting a particular region, you might want to know how popular your website is in that area, or how many people are visiting from that country/region.

Another reason why it’s worth checking out Google Webmaster Tools is to see if someone else has submitted your website to Google.

If you notice that your website has already been indexed, you’ll know that you don’t need to bother doing anything further.

However, if you discover that another website has submitted your website, you should contact them to let them know that their submission was incorrect.

You may also wish to consider using Google Analytics to help monitor traffic to your website – this will allow you to track visitor numbers, user behavior, and more.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and refers to the process of optimizing your website so that it ranks higher in Google’s search engine rankings.

The aim of SEO is to make sure that your website appears at the top of the list when someone types in relevant keywords into the search box.

The best way to achieve this is to create content that’s both informative and interesting and to include plenty of links to other websites.

This ensures that your website shows up in the right places when people perform a search query.

Some of the main methods and tools involved in SEO include:

  • Link Building

The most common method of achieving high search engine rankings is through link building. Link building involves creating quality links to your website from other websites.

These links can take the form of blog posts, articles, press releases, social media profiles, forum signatures, etc.

There are two main ways that you can build links:

  • Direct linking
  • Link exchange

Both methods involve finding websites that have similar audiences to yours and contacting them to ask if they’d like to add a link back to your website.

Once you’ve built some links, you can then submit these to Google (or whichever search engine you use) to improve your ranking.

Other important elements within SEO strategy include:

Keywords Research And Placement

Once you have created content for your website, you’ll need to ensure that it contains the appropriate keyword phrases.

Keywords are words that appear in the text of your article but aren’t necessarily part of the title.

They’re usually short and easy to remember, and they’re used by search engines to determine whether your page matches the search terms that people enter.

For example, if you were writing about dogs, you could use the following keywords:

  • Dog training
  • Dogs for sale
  • Cute dog breeds
  • Cats vs. Dogs

If you wanted to write an article about cats, you could use the same keywords as above, but replace “dogs” with “cats”.

You’ll find that there are lots of different tools available online which can be used to help you identify the most popular keywords.

One of the first things that you want to do once you’ve identified the keywords that you want to target is to place those keywords in the correct place; namely, in the titles and headings of your pages.

When people visit your site, they’ll often read the headlines before clicking on any particular section.

Therefore, your headlines must contain the keywords that you want your visitors to click on.

Page Content

Your content needs to be written in such a way that it provides useful information to readers. It should also be engaging enough to keep their attention, and not too wordy or boring.

If you don’t know how to write good content, then you may want to consider hiring a freelance writer who specializes in SEO copywriting services or investing in the expertise of an SEO specialist to boost your content and make sure that you are hitting the marks on every piece that goes on the website.

Social Media

When it comes to social media, you need to make sure that you’re using all of the platforms effectively.

There are many different types of social media sites out there, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and more.

Each one has its own unique audience and purpose, so you will need to tailor your approach accordingly.

You will also need to think about what type of content would best suit each platform.

For example, if your goal is to drive traffic to your website, then you’ll probably need to create videos on YouTube.

However, if you want to build relationships with potential customers, then you’ll likely want to focus on building up your presence on LinkedIn.

In addition to this, you’ll also want to make sure that you have a strong profile across the various social network, and make sure that your social media accounts are active.

By being active, you’ll also be able to engage with your audience, which will encourage them to share your posts and grow your following.

How Do I Submit A Url To Google?

The Best Way To Get Traffic From Social Media Sites

Traffic from social media sites is great for websites because it gives you free organic traffic.

But, just like anything else, you need to put some effort into it. Here are some tips on how to optimize your social media strategy:

Create Quality Content

Quality content is key when it comes to driving traffic through social media sites.

You won’t see much success unless you provide high-quality content that is relevant to your niche.

Be Consistent

When people visit your social media pages, they expect to see consistent updates.

So, you need to update your pages regularly. Make sure that you schedule regular posts at least once per day.

Interact With Others

Another thing that you need to do is interact with others. When you comment on someone’s post, ask questions, or even start conversations, you’ll gain new followers.

Use Hashtags Effectively

Hashtags allow you to connect your social media posts together. They help you find related topics and keywords, and they also give you another opportunity to promote yourself.

Focus On One Platform At A Time

If you try to spread yourself thin by posting on multiple platforms, you’ll end up diluting your efforts.

Instead, focus on one platform at a time. Once you’ve mastered that site, move on to the next one.

Don’t Forget About Email Marketing

Email marketing is still an effective way to reach your target market. It allows you to send personalized emails to your subscribers, giving you the chance to sell products directly to your audience.

Why Does SEO Matter For Google Indexing?

Google has become the most popular search engine in the world today.

As such, getting more visibility on its search results is essential for businesses. The main reason why people use Google is to find information online.

SEO matters for Google indexing because it helps you rank well in search engine results.

If you don’t get good rankings, you won’t get many visitors to your page. And, without visitors, you won’t generate any leads.

So, if you want to rank highly in Google search results, you need to ensure that your website appears at top of the list. That’s where SEO comes in.

Some of the main reasons that SEO is so important to include:

  • More Visits
    Higher rankings mean more visits to your website. These visits can lead to sales and conversions.
  • Better Conversions
    People who land on your website are more likely to convert than those who land on other pages. This means that you’re increasing your chances of making money.
  • Higher Rankings
    More visitors mean higher rankings. This means that your business gets more exposure, which increases brand awareness and trust.
  • Increased Page Views
    As mentioned earlier, more pageviews mean better conversion rates. People who view your page will be more likely to buy what you have to offer.

What Is “Crawling” A URL?

When researching submissions of URLs, you have likely come across a term known as “crawling” – but just what does this mean?

In the simplest terms, crawling a URL means that a web crawler (or spider) will go through all the links on a given page and then follow them back to their source.

The purpose of this process is to gather data about the content on the page and how it relates to the rest of the internet.

The first step in this process is often referred to as “indexing”. This involves the spider reading the HTML code of the page and assigning each piece of text a unique number: this is called an “internal link”, and it is used when building out the structure of a website.

Once indexed, the spider will begin following these links to see what else is available on the page. When it reaches the end of the page, it will start over again with the next link.

This continues until there are no more links left on the page. At this point, the spider will stop looking for new links and return to the original page.

Once all the links have been followed, the spider will return to the original page and assign a value to it based on the amount of content found on the page.

If the page contains a lot of keywords or links, it will receive a high score. Conversely, if the page doesn’t contain much content, it will receive a low score.

Crawling And Indexing

To crawl a URL, a spider needs to access the site using the HTTP protocol, and it must also be able to read the HTML code of the site.

Once both conditions are met, the spider will begin to follow the links on the page.

This means that indexing your site by submitting a URL to Google is really crucial, as this is one of the only ways that Googlebot can access your site.

It is worth noting that not every website has the same accessibility requirements, meaning that some sites may be harder to crawl than others.

There are two types of spiders that search engines use to crawl websites:

  1. The Standard Bot – This type of spider uses a variety of different methods to find information on a site. They include:
  • Using robots.txt files to control what they can and cannot do.
  •  Using regular expressions to identify patterns within a site’s HTML code.
  • Using cookies to store information about the user’s browsing history.
  •  Using IP addresses to track where users are coming from.
  1. The Custom Bot – These bots are designed specifically to meet the needs of a particular company. They usually have a set list of features that enable them to perform specific tasks. For example, they may be programmed to automatically update product prices or to check whether pages have changed since the last time they were crawled.

What Is Crawl-Ability?

When we talk about crawl-ability, we’re talking about the ease with which a robot can access a website.

Many factors affect crawl-ability, but here are a few things you should know:

  • Robots.Txt Files – If you want to prevent certain parts of your site from being seen by crawlers, you can create a robots.txt file and place it in the root directory of your site. This file tells the crawler what it can and can’t do.
  • Regular Expressions – You can make sure that a particular part of your site is accessible by creating a regular expression that matches the pattern. For example, you could write a regular expression that checks to see if a page contains the word “login” anywhere in its body.
  • Cookies – Some web browsers allow you to block third-party cookies. However, if you don’t do this, then you’ll need to manually delete any cookies that get stored on your computer when you visit a website.
  • IP Addresses – Crawlers often rely on the IP address of the device accessing a site to determine whether or not a site is available. In addition, crawlers are sometimes configured to look for multiple IP addresses, so if you’re running more than one server, you’ll need to ensure that each server has a unique IP address.

Final Thoughts

Submitting a URL to Google is a simple process that can have great results, so why not get started and give it a go today?

Justin Shaw